Individual Therapy
This is the most common means for healing for individuals. It involves individual meeting with a psychologist in order to reduce internal suffering which leads to problematic behavior. The sessions run between 45 minutes to one hour. The therapist helps the client to understand themselves, their problems and how to cope with their challenges. The methods used depends on the client's problems and personality.

Marriage & Family Therapy
Marriage and family therapy has gained credibility in the past decade and has now emerged as a viable treatment approach for most mental health problems. Stress may occur when a family or couple is unable to negotiate a developmental passage, such as the oldest child's entrance into school, the onset of adolescence, or when a non• development crisis occurs, e.g., illness, disability in one of the children, unemployment or divorce. Our Marriage and family therapy focuses on the communication processes, power balances and imbalances, influence processes, structures for conflict resolution, and the current functioning of the family as a system. The goal is to effect change not only in an individual, but also in the family structure

Group Therapy
We have several psychologists who attend to several people at the same time. We are very flexible to help during emergencies, in hospitals, mental health clinics and in community centres. Group therapy is important because the members are at different stages of treatment as it gives hope to these who are beginning the healing process. It helps people to feel that they are not going through a problem alone as the members share important information, development of socialization, interpersonal learning, imitative behavior, group cohesiveness and guidance and support through a group.

Counsellor Supervision
It is important for a counsellor or psychologist to use the services of another counsellor or psychologist to review their work with clients, their professional development, and personal development. Our highly experienced consultants are able to help you with this professional service. This is important to protect clients and to help us to add value to their clients.

Child Therapy
Children also encounter difficult and even traumatic issues that may require professional help to deal with. Children go through abuse, neglect and trauma. We emphasize on positive development while addressing the negative issues. Our therapy sessions will help the children work towards an optimistic future, positive coping methods, communication skills, school performance, study habits, boost self-esteem, self• confidence, dealing with teasing and bullying and other positive traits. We will use methods like play therapy, behavioral therapy and expressive therapy to help them thrive

Drug Abuse & Substance
Addiction, or dependence on a particular substance or activity, is one of the most complex areas of mental health. Addiction can often be difficult to treat, and there is a good deal of controversy surrounding the causes of addiction and the best approaches to treatment. Individuals who find themselves experiencing an addiction to drugs or alcohol often find the services of a mental health professional to be helpful in overcoming the addiction.

Psychometric Testing
We help candidates to identify their skills, knowledge and personality. These tests are increasingly popular in recruitment and are now used across many industries. It entails numerical reasoning, verbal reasoning, diagrammatic reasoning and situational judgement tests, although new tests are always being developed. Psychometric tests are designed to help employers objectively measure candidates cognitive abilities, attitudes, personality and knowledge. In the majority of cases, these tests involve multiple-choice questions to be completed in a tight time frame. This is a reliable method of assessing employability skills in a sense that they provide a source of meaningful and consistent insights over time, regardless the specificity of a discipline to which they are being applied.

Organizational Counselling
Employees are the most valuable asset of an organization and it is very important to improve employee happiness for organization performance. Employee counseling is a human resource tool to attract and retain the best employees and increase the quality of the workforce. In the corporate world there is no organization that is stress free like managing deadlines, meeting targets, family commitment and bereavement. Our team of experienced psychologist will help you in organization to achieve a high standard of professionalism and care in mental health, life coaching, and residential substance abuse, cross cultural issues, time management, stress management, psychometric testing, career development and mental health. Our company has integrated the counseling services in the organizations and has made it a part of its culture. Each treatment program is coordinated with an aftercare program at Ultimate Care Links

Unpleasant, negative feelings can emerge in response to situations of conflict between individuals or departments. Conflict exists in a variety of settings, such as between family members, co-workers, managers, employees and boards. When people are in conflict, it is not only destructive to them personally but also to these around them. If conflict is not resolved, these negative feelings continue to fester and grow. Our mediation process provides individuals with tools that will enable them to address any future conflicts more effectively on their own. The conflict will be resolved by the facilitation of the mediator who is separate to the people in the conflict. Our mediators are skilled in bringing people together and ensuring both sides have equal share of the time spent on them.

Sometimes face to face counselling is just not possible. That's when telephone counselling or online counselling be of help. We do it in a very welcoming way and we establish a relationship with our clients through listening, responding, understanding their silence and recognizing the reactions to their feelings.
Telephone counselling or online counselling is ideal if you when you:
• live in far away like a remote area or even overseas
• are unable to travel due to physical restrictions
• have a busy work schedule

Counselling and Psychological Courses
• Loss, grief and bereavement • Effective parenting skills • Psychological debriefing and trauma counselling • Drug and substance abuse • Premarital counselling • Marriage and family therapy • Youth guidance and counselling • HIV andAIDS management • Drug and substance addiction • Counseling in learning institutions • Human sexuality and therapy • Adolescent and peer educator counseling • Behavior change communication • Counselor supervision training • Tele-counselling • Basic counselling skills

Human Resource Development Courses
• Behavior based interviewing skills • Employee motivation • Change and transformation: preparation required in an organization • Preparation of employees for redundancy and retirement • Training the trainer/facilitator • Youth leadership and guidance • The leadership challenge • Career development and mentorship • Communication skills • Customer service skills • Front office skills • Mentorship